MusicPiano basicsPiano Tutorials

What is Pitch in ‘Piano’ ? – Video Tutorials –

Well pitch can be explained in two ways

  • Technical way
  • Practical way

Technical Way

Pitch is nothing but, it is the value or frequency of sound of a particular key. The key A (A4) will be right in middle of the piano, has value of 440 hertz.

440 hertz means 440 cycles or vibrations per second.

For example let us think that if the frequency of key ‘C’ is ‘x’ then the frequency of next ‘C’ key will be ‘2x’, similarly if the frequency of key ‘C#’ is ‘y’ then the value of next ‘C#’ will be ‘2y’, similarly apply to other keys also.

Therefore if the frequency of key ‘A4’ is 440 hertz then the frequency of next key ‘A5’ will be 880 hertz.

This is how the frequency changes from one octave to other. Do remember that no two keys or no keys will have same values. Every key will have its own frequency.

Practical way

Let us play the two lines of ‘Vandemataram Song’ in different types

Type – 1

Vande Mataram – C4D4  F4G4F4G4

Vande Mataram – F4G4  B4C5B4C5

Type – 2

Vande Mataram – C5D5  F5G5F5G5

Vande Mataram – F5G5  B5C6B5C6

The difference between these two types is first type is played in lower pitch, where as second one is played in higher pitch. The pitch has been raised in type 2 context.

But do remember that both are played in same scales since same keys are used. The only difference is pitch.

This is how you need to understand the pitch in the context of ‘technicality and practicality’

What is Pitch in ‘Piano’ ? – Video Tutorials


