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Switching between “Minor Scales” (Number pattern) – Video Tutorials

If you know a song from one minor scale and want to shift that song to other minor scale, then what is the process ?

Initially let us select any two minor scales and a song.

For example here we have selected a song (Kyunki Tum Hi Ho…….), which will be played in  ‘F’ minor scale and will be shifted to ‘A’ minor scale

(How ever you can select your own song and scales of your choice)

Let us understand ‘F’ minor scale

Minor Scales

  • Any major or minor scale will have basic 8 notes. In ‘F’ minor scale the key ‘F’ is known as root key or 1st note or 8th note.
  • The notes which are on right side of ‘F’ are known as high notes and which are left to ‘F’ are known as low notes.
  • The order of notes will be in this way, High notes – F-1, G-2, G#-3, A#-4, C-5, C#-6, D#-7, F-8. Low notes – F-8, D#-7, C#-6, C-5, A#-4, G#-3, G-2, F-1
  • The numbering system is same for both low and high notes, the only difference is the right side notes are high notes and left side notes are low notes with respect to basic key ‘F’

Similary ‘ Let us understand ‘A’ minor scale

  • Similary in ‘A’ minor scale the key ‘A’ is known as root key or 1st note or 8th note.
  • The notes which are on right side of ‘A’ are known as high notes and which are left to ‘A’ are known as low notes.
  • The order of notes will be in this way, High notes – A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, A-8. Low notes – A-8, G-7, F-6, E-5, D-4, C-3, B-2, A-1
  • The numbering system is same for both low and high notes, the only difference is the right side notes are high notes and left side notes are low notes with respect to basic key ‘A’

Now the number pattern for these below four lines in ‘F’ minor scale will be in this way (watch below video)

Kyuki Tum Hi – 3 4 5, 3 4
Ab Tumhi Ho – 3 4 5, 3 4
Zindagi – 2, 4 3
Ab Tum hi Ho – 2 1 2, 7 1

(* 7th note is low note)

Now apply these numbers in ‘A’ minor scale or any minor scale, you will get the same tune and same song.

So, just try to note down the numbers of one minor scale and apply it to other minor scale as simple as that.

At the end of the day you need to understand that this number pattern formula works only for the scales which are similar in nature, like both have to be major scales or minor scales. This pattern will not work for major to minor or minor to major.

Switching between “Minor Scales” Video Tutorials